Friday 4 October 2013

FrogAsia, Yes and ICCPJ go the XtraMile

At FrogAsia, our vision is to empower the next generation with the right tools and opportunities, made possible by technology in education. In line with this vision, on 24 August 2013, FrogAsia and Yes proudly supported the XtraMile Run for Dignity.
The XtraMile Run is a charity run which saw ultramarathoners Alex Au-Yong, Kyle Tan and Daniel Lee running 100km to raise over RM165,000.00 in support of Dignity for Children Foundation while inspiring Malaysians to go the extra mile for those in need.
Like Dignity, we share the belief that education is the right of all students, and that the gap between urban and rural schools must be bridged with access to quality education. With this shared belief, FrogAsia contributed RM10,000 towards the organising costs of the run, and also sponsored a team of 5 runners, each contributing RM600 each for a total of RM3,000 which benefited Dignity directly.

We also collaborated with the Interact Clubs of PJ to raise an additional RM4373.25, the full sum of which benefited Dignity as well. (Read more about the clubs' projects here.)

During the final leg of the run, secondary school students from the Interact Clubs of Petaling Jaya, together with staff members from FrogAsia, ran alongside Alex, Kyle and Daniel.
FrogAsia also empowered Interact Clubs from five schools in Petaling Jaya to contribute to their community and Dignity through the use of technology, believing that the Internet can be used as a force for good.
The Project, themed “Going the XtraMile”, kick-started with the Run and continued for a month. Throughout this duration, Interact Club members from SMK(P) Sri Aman, SMK(P) Assunta, SMK(L) La Salle, SMK(L) Bukit Bintang and SMK Sultan Abdul Samad were loaned two Samsung 4G Chromebooks per school to carry out this project.
Each club designed and carried out a project that reflected what it means to go the extra mile for someone in need. With support from the Rotary Club, these projects included a range of fun activities initiated by the students themselves which required clear vision, creativity and lots of teamwork!

These individual projects involved the creative use of the Frog VLE and Yes 4G Chromebooks as a platform to document their project, communicate with the project committee and unite their school towards this cause.

As a reward, FrogAsia awarded monetary prizes to the Interact Clubs with the most successful projects, to be channeled towards the next community project of their choice.

Stay tuned to find out all about each Interact Club’s project and which club successfully achieved their project’s objective to “Go the XtraMile”’ for Dignity.

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