Wednesday 3 June 2015

Holiday Homework Tips

Hey teachers! Are your students asking for Holiday Homework? If they are, here are some tips for you to make their homework fun and interesting to do! Why not head to the FrogStore and see what you can find there? Get them out of their boredom, have a look at these tips to make sure they spend their holiday productively.

Here are some tips for you to make these assignments fun and interesting to do! Holidays are adventures, so why not head to the FrogStore and see what you can find there? Get students out of their boredom: have a look at these tips to make sure they spend their holidays exploring the world of learning.

Take a look at these primary level resources in Science, English, Maths; and secondary school level resources in Physics, Geography, English Literature and Biology.

Welcome, friends, to Holiday Homework!

Here are some resources we have for you on the FrogStore:

Cycle of a Human Being, Primary 4

Extra resources that we encouraged for students to explore:
Build their own erupting volcano at home:

Here is a step-by-step video on how to make your own volcano:

English Grammar, Primary 1, 2 & 3

Fractions, Primary 4

Physics Quantities and Units, Form 1

A little extra reading on this interesting phenomenon:
Aurora Borealis & Aurora Australis

Literature Component - Poem, Form 2

The Importance of Water, Form 4

Image taken from SK Raja Abdullah

Image taken from SK Munshi

Remember these from our Social Media?

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