Thursday 6 March 2014

Support at your service!

When you’ve got questions about Frog and you don’t know what to do, who do you call? The Support Team of course! 

Our Support Team at FrogAsia is a group of helpful and friendly staff who work tirelessly around the clock to ensure that there’s always someone at the other end of your phone call.

FrogAsia's Support Manager Helen Rudd, assisting a school teacher on the Support line

If there’s an issue you’re facing with the VLE, your Chromebook, the FrogStore, or any other concerns, our Support team will guide you through every step of the process to ensure that your requests are answered.

“It’s a continuous learning process for us too as the Frog platform is constantly being updated. We also learn more about teacher’s main concerns with Frog and have found that the questions we get are now moving towards how teachers can use Frog in a variety of ways rather than just the basics,” says Izuddin, who joined the team last October.

Another Support team member, Vaishnavi adds, “We get calls from teachers and parents all over the country and it’s great that we’re able to help them out in the smallest or biggest ways…”

From left: Zam, Vaishnavi, Izzati, Helen, Is, Shu, Odelli, and Faiz

You can contact them at 018-7998787 or from 7am to 10pm, Monday to Friday.

A huge shout out to the ladies and gentlemen in our Support Team for being fantastic!

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