Monday 2 July 2012

Frog Buzz Week Preparation at SRK Sri Petaling

Frog is on the move! Starting with our Pilot Schools, Frog is set to hit 10,000 schools in 2013. (That's a lot of schools, and a lot of travelling!) Join us as we share pictures from the road and discover what life is like in schools around the nation. 
The FrogAsia team made their way to one of our pilot schools, SRK Sri Petaling, to tell the students about how they can use the Frog VLE and a little bit about the wonderful ways they can connect to a vast world of knowledge and learning.

Led by Aizat, FrogAsia’s Student Engagement Team Leader, the students got a chance to flex their creative muscles, by getting together in groups to come up with a way to promote and create excitement in their school with Frog.

The girls were excitedly discussing how they could revamp an Adele song with Frog in the lyrics!

We were blown away by the creative ideas these young primary school students came up with to spread the word about Frog, in only less than half an hour. The ideas ranged from songs, competitions, and treasure hunts, to even a Froggy piƱata! Don't underestimate what children can do when given the right avenues and space to express themselves!

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