Monday, 9 April 2012

Team Thoughts: 16-year old me would have thought Frog was a God-send!

What is the Frog VLE? And why should you care? While we could point you to our website, we’d much rather tell you in our own words why we think Frog is amazing.

Here's what FrogAsia's Executive Director, Lou Yeoh, has to say:

Lou, alumni of SMK Assunta, PJ

”I’ve always wanted to make a difference. When I was in school, my whole life revolved around my clubs and societies. What mattered most were the events we organised, the plays we wrote and acted in, the competitions we were constantly involved in, and the charity concerts and carnivals we pulled off - all to raise money for a good cause. (Assuntarians, you’ll get this!)

Putting myself in my 16 year old shoes, Frog would have been a God-sent tool! Do you know how much time I wasted calling people to pass on or find out the right information about class, lessons, deadlines and event to-dos? Having my homework, the lessons to revise and extra-curricular activities all on one platform would have been a way more convenient way for me to keep to all my deadlines while communicating and collaborating with my classmates and members of my clubs and societies. Organising my life would have been so much easier!

With high speed mobile 4G internet enabling anytime, anywhere access to Frog, learning in school is finally becoming relevant with the times. That’s what makes the Frog VLE so exciting. We at FrogAsia are here to make a difference to your classroom, your school and ultimately, your life.

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