Tuesday 12 March 2013

Hoppin' Tunes: "The Making Of" with Rachel Fernandez

Have you seen the first Hoppin' Tunes video that was produced by our awesome FrogAsia interns, called "Never Going Back to Textbooks"? It's brilliant! Get to know the creative geniuses behind this catchy production and find out how they managed to pull off this project as a team. 

Meet Rachel Fernandez, a friendly and bright young lady with great personality. 

How did you choose the song for this video? 
It was a really popular song at that time (it still is), so we thought it would be fun to work with a song that everyone is familiar with and can learn fast. It also has a really upbeat tempo so we decided it would the best choice. 

Explain the lyrics and why they were chosen for the song.
I guess it came to us naturally? We've got the music in us! We wanted lyrics that spoke about the awesome features in the Frog VLE so everyone could know about it.  It also related to the problems students face these days like lugging our heavy bags around, "My bag's now much lighter, I'll be happy forever...''.

What was the process in making this video? 
First, we drew out a plan on how the video would look like. Then we decided when we were going to shoot it and who was going to be in each scene. Scenes on the video were all related to the lyrics, so that made it a lot easier to convey our main message. Editing was the harder part. Luckily, Jason and Rebecca knew how to edit videos, so we were all saved. 

Is there anything you discovered about yourself during the process of making this video with your team? 
I think it was really fun coming up with the lyrics and the video. We needed a lot of teamwork. I learned that teamwork means working together and not alone. Everyone pitched in their own ideas and that made it a lot more easier.

If you had the chance again, would you enjoy working on a fun project that requires creative thinking like this one?
Yes! This video was probably the most fun part of the internship. Honestly, without this video I'm not even sure if the four of us would have been as close as we are now. 

To know more about what Rachel was talking about, watch their original video below! 

We want to showcase your creative ideas in your Hoppin' Tunes video too! Hop on into The Pond to find out how to FrogBomb the lyrics of your favourite song and stand a chance to win great prizes just by participating in the Hoppin' Tunes Competition

Keep checking our Facebook page and follow our Twitter feed @frogasia for more tips and new updates! 

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